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Minerals as hotspots for propagation of antibiotics in the environment

Meet the study of 6 years efforts. 6 years it took from getting the idea, a work position, to establish funding, to purchase infrastructure, to set up a new line of research, recruiting across scientific disciplines, to data collection and all the inspiring efforts to understand and explore the data. I am very grateful to the VILLUM FOUNDATION for their long term grants to support early career reserchers. I now have a fantastic team and it is wonderful to follow and support them.

Research wise: Mineral surfaces are a very interesting evolutionary interface to zoom in on.

Sneak-peak of Pablos´ mineral  illustrations
Sneak-peak of Pablos´ mineral illustrations

Cool images of circular DNA that adsorb strongly to positively charged chlorite step edges. Processed by Carlota
Cool images of circular DNA that adsorb strongly to positively charged chlorite step edges. Processed by Carlota

Quick rundown:


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